queen random


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is my baby going to die in there???

Babies have been worn by their mothers since the beginning of time. They are comforted by the sound of your heart, the warmth of your breast and your familiar smell. Some babies around the world are worn around the clock while mothers work, sleep and play. This is the most natural place for them to be. Studies have shown that quality baby slings and carriers have been shown to save lives, improve health, decrease crying, increase IQ, and facilitate breastfeeding and bonding.
The current media hype has given all of us a bad name. People everywhere are now looking down on me for wearing my children all because they do not have the correct information. As I stood in line today with Charlotte's new training panties (yay!) a 30 second clip on the 6 o'clock news was enough for the ladies behind me to make a passive aggressive attack against me and anyone who, "GASP!" still wear their baby. Loud enough so every person in line could hear, said ladies proceeded to discuss how dangerous it was, how all these babies were dying, how they were all recalled and how they can't believe that people are still using them... they must not care about their babies!!! Shocked at how BOLD people are when they think they know everything, I refrained from turning around to tell them about this subject they are truly ignorant.

More babies die every year sitting in their car seats than have ever died in a baby sling.

Could it be that the news failed to mention this and not give a one-sided newsworthy story on the dangers of baby wearing in America??

One of the biggest problems with baby wearing today is that more and more people are choosing to buy them as an accessory rather than a tool to keep their baby close and comfortable. I cannot go out without having someone comment on "how cute" it is to see Christians little head popping out of his sling. Countless times I have heard, "that is so cute, I have to have one!!" What they do not realize is that I don't do it for the cuteness factor (not that I don't adore his cute little mug in there!) I carry my children because I am an attachment parent.

Now pay attention!! This is the most important part!!

AP is responsive parenting. By becoming sensitive to the cues of your infant, you learn to read your baby's level of need. Because baby trusts that his needs will be met and his language listened to, the infant trusts in his ability to give cues. As a result, baby becomes a better cue-giver, parents become better cue-readers, and the whole parent-child communication network becomes easier.

I trust my son to communicate his needs and he trusts me to listen. Mother's wearing their children for fashion are not in tune with their needs and may miss cues of distress from their infants, especially when they are carried in slings like the slingrider which lays the baby away from your heart. Keep your child close to your heart and you will hear their rhythmic breathing and be fully aware of their needs. Does this mean that if you are not an attachment parent you can't wear a sling? no. Does this mean that if you are an attachment parent that that could never happen to you? no. When used properly, slings are an invaluable tool for parents and their children.

For those of you who choose to make comments or ask me if I think my baby is going to die in there, get informed before you decide to save my baby from my obviously horrible parenting skills. God, please grant me patience and understanding for them.

Sling info:

I know for my son and me, our Baby Ktan


has been the most important tool I have for keeping us both happy.


  1. You go girl! Do whatever makes you, Eric, and Christian happy!

  2. I love your baby wearing and would still do it for Austin if he weren't so big! I had a Moby wrap and used it so much (very handy when the hubs are deployed!) You are such a connected mom with your kiddos, I love seeing you guys all together!

  3. There is no other way! I have not been able to wear my girls for 4weeks now and It has been so challenging. I dont see how people like strollers. I look forward to the day that I can strap them to me again!!!
